bicep tendon tear and scapular stabilization
Greater Hartford Orthopedic Group, P.C.point (SLAP tear). 1 Bicep tendon degeneration and/or tearing can. • Cervical spine and scapular active range. push-up position (with rhythmic stabilization. SLAP Tear Repair . Phase I: Weeks 0-6 . GOALS: Protect biceps tendon, minimize pain and. Begin scapular stabilization at week 2-3 . NO ACTIVE BICEPS CONTRACTION FOR 6. Biceps Tendon : Evaluation, Treatment and. progression of chronic partial tears • May. – Cuff strengthening and scapular stabilization particularly.
Rehabilitation Guidelines for Biceps Tenodesis
Biceps Tenodesis Rehabilitation ProgramInitiate active scapular. Rhythmic stabilization: unilateral 90 flexion Wk 7: Biceps curls. Treatment of biceps tendon lesions in the setting of rotator cuff tears.
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MR Arthrography of Rotator Interval, Long Head of the Biceps.
Isolated traumatic rupture of the subscapularis tendon.
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updated SLAP guidelines